– Why You Don’t Need a Press Kit, Pt. 1: How to Book Your Band in the Age of Email

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For years, press kits were the only real way to get any music business professionals to pay attention to you or your band. It was expected if you had a conversation with someone about booking your act or getting a record deal, that you would have a press kit ready. With the advent of the interwebs, we then started seeing sites offering EPKs, or Electronic Press Kits. An evolution of the original concept that added the ability to email it right away, include audio and video samples, provide a larger number of pictures, etc…. But is that really necessary? In the amount of time for some to view your EPK, they could also browse your website for the same information if it is set up correctly. So what advantage does an EPK really offer, and do we even need press kits anymore? CDBaby has a nice post about shifting the focus to using email instead, and offers some nice tips on how to set up the email effectively.

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