Don’t Rely On Just One Social Platform to Connect With Your Fans

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You should be able to remember at least one time when a social network you were trying to use went down right? It doesn’t happen often, but even Facebook has had the occasional outage. Beyond that, what happens if the platform you are using gets shut down because of the company being bought out or for any other possible reason? In this video Adam Ivy talks you through why you should have a more diverse ecosystem for getting your music out there. Making the same points highlighted above, Adam brings out the importance of having ways to engage with your fans so that you are not “renting out” your fanbase to social media platforms.

Sure, you may already have a few of the suggestions already in place such as a mailing list. But have you made sure that all the places you interact with your fans lead to the same central point? Do you have a backup in case Facebook is down or your account is suspended?