GetBooked Facebook App

0 Flares Twitter 0 Facebook 0 Google+ 0 Pin It Share 0 LinkedIn 0 StumbleUpon 0 0 Flares × is a new approach to booking for independent bands. Artists can set up their information on the site, and then anyone can go to the site and request to book them. It’s like having a digital booking agent. Now those wonderful people handling the site have added even more to it. The GetBooked Facebook app is a “direct-to-fan booking platform” that you can use right through Facebook. You simply provide your information such as cost, deposit requirement, tech rider, etc… and anyone can request to book you. Since HearItLocal currently is limited in what cities they are supporting, this new Facebook app makes up for it. So give it a shot and maybe you’ll get a few more shows soon!

HearItLocal – GetBooked